References and Useful Links
The majority of our information comes from the internet and various books and media sources. Below is a list of some valuable external links that are a great source of information, interesting reading or just some neat videos from YouTube worth sharing.
Useful internet links for researching and referencing:
WAM Museum Shipwrecks Database:
WAM Museum Reports and Publications online:
Shipwrecks WA free app for Windows, Apple and Andriod:
National Library of Australia - Trove Digitised Newspaper Archive:
Rupert Gerritsen Research and Publications:
State Library of Western Australia, Battye Library:
Oceans1 - Western Australia's Shipwrecks:
Project Gutenburg Australia:
Maritime Archaeological Association of Western Australia - Wrecks of the Swan and Canning Rivers
Maritime Archaeological Association of Western Australia - Site Reports
Oz At War - Australian History database during World War II
Geoff Goodalls Aviation History website
The haunted ship the Alkimos. An episode of "The Extraordinary" from the 1990s. The segment shows the wreck before its total collapse and features Jack Sue, Australian World War II hero and one of the first pioneers of the WA dive industry who had intimate dealings with Henry the Ghost during his time as caretaker onboard the cursed ship.
Fantastic lecture on the Sydney and Kormoran wrecks with some great info, images and footage of both the expedition vessel and the Sydney and Kormoran wreck sites.
From the Curtin University Youtube channel.
Sunk almost 18 years before and diving with the local dive operator Image Dive, three divers David Bardi, Craig Challen and Sandy Varin completed the first dive on the Derwent wreck site and the deepest dive to date in the Rottnest Deep Water Graveyard.
Decommissioned on August 4th 1994. The HMAS Derwent lays scuttled in 200 metres at the beginning of the Rottnest Trench.
From Craig Challens YouTube channel.
Head of Maritime Archaeology of the WA Museum Dr. Jeremy Green giving a lecture in 2011 on the museums work associated with the Rottnest Deepwater Graveyard. From the Maritime Museum's YouTube channel.
The sinking of the HMAS Torrens II (DE53) in the deepwater of the Rottnest Graveyard. The River Class destroyer escort was the sister ship and identical to the HMAS Swan III (DE50) that was scuttled off Eagle Bay as a dive wreck.
The Torrens was destroyed by a single Mk48 torpedo fired by the Royal Australian Navy's HMAS Farncombe in a demonstration aimed to provide validity to the role of the Collins Class submarine fleet in Australia's modern Navy.
Couldn't resist including this, the HMAS Torrens that is featured in the video above, waterskiing behind a warship
Season 1 Episode 1 - Batavia's Bones, by Prospero Productions. A documentary with the team from the Maritime Museum working on the associated land sites of Batavia's Graveyard on Beacon Island in the early 2000s
Philip Playford is one of the initial finders and the identifier of the wreck of the Zuytdorp that was wrecked north of Kalbarri in 1712. In this video he gives a lecture on the wreck and the history of the expeditions, his involvement and work in the identifing the wreck and associated land sites.
From the Maritime Museum's YouTube channel
A segment from Channel Seven's Sunday Night program on the VOC Historical Societies work testing the DNA of the Mid West aboriginal family groups for traces of Dutch DNA.
From the YouTube channel of Thomas Vanderveldt from the VOCHS.
2012 Lecture by Dr. Michael "Mack" McCarthy, currator from the Maritime Archaeology Dept. WA Museum on the work completed on the 1712 Ducth VOC Zuytdorp Wrecksite. From the Maritime Museum's YouTube channel.
A great diving video of the 174 metre long wreck of the Sanko Harvest off Esperance. The crude oil carrier sunk in 1993 when it hit a reef. Video by Paul Mellor from his YouTube account. Filmed during a dive in January 2017.
The Rottnest Graveyard- Filmed by Thomas Buchan and from Thomas' YouTube Channel. Diving on a 65 metre deep wreck of the Rottnest Graveyard
The Rottnest Graveyard- Filmed by Thomas Buchan and from Thomas' YouTube Channel. Diving on a 58 metre deep wreck of the Rottnest Graveyard
A great little video by Patrick Morrison showing some examples of the 3D photogrametry conducted by MAAWA. This was filmed at the Omeo and Coogee Maritime Trail during a training dive leading up to a weekend for the Maritime Archeaology Associations of WA's PRIISMH project at Rottnest Island. From the YouTube account of Patrick Morrison