Rocky Bay
Rocky Bay contains the sites of the Mayfield and City of Perth Wrecks, also nearby under the pens at pier 21 lay a number of small wrecks and barges including the wreck of the Eva. The Mayfield site is quite difficult to access from the shore and is best dived by boat. If attempting to dive or snorkel from shore the jetty near the Water Police Headquarters is the easiest access to the water and caution should be given for boat traffic and the strength of the current that can run through Rocky bay at up to 3 knots.

Position: S 32° 01.767'
E 115° 45.444'
Nearest Mooring: N/A
Entry Point:
1 Jetty near water Police.
Bearing at entry point:
1 to wreck 295° 197 metres
Construction: Wood
Dimensions: 20 x 6 metres (site)
Depth: 4 metres
The Mayfield site is a small but interesting site in shallow at the bottom of the cliffs in Rocky bay, easiest access is by boat. It can be snorkelled or dived but caution should be given to currents that can run very hard through the channel and over the wreck site. The wreck has two engines sitting upright at both the bow and stern of the wreck with the ribs and other wreckage rising 1 to 2 feet above the riverbed. Nearby in 1 metre of water, between the Mayfield and the cliffs is the little remains of the City of Perth wreck. If attempting to visit the site time your visit with the slack water of the tide change and be weary of boat traffic and strong tidal flow. If attempting to dive from shore be sure that the tidal flow and currents are safe enough to be able to reach the wreck or return to the entry/exit point. The site is at 295° 197 metres from the entry point or it can be located by following the southern shore line west just before you reach the big boulder, the wreck sits in 4 metres of water.